
Simple command-line framework for Go (golang)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Simple command-line framework for Go


To get started, you need a working Go environment. Once available, grab the package here:

$ go get github.com/vutran/srgnt


srgnt provides a very simple API. The following is an example of a minimal CLI app that has 1 command called "hello" which will print out "Hello, world!".

package main

import (

func Hello(_ *flag.FlagSet) {
    fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

func main() {
    cli := srgnt.CreateProgram("foo")
    cli.AddCommand("hello", Hello, "Prints \"Hello, world!\"")

By running foo in the example above, it will display the default help text that is generated for you automatically.


        foo [flags] <command>


        hello   Prints "Hello, world!"

Flags and Commands

You can register as much flags and commands as you would like. Flags must precede commands.

The following example will output "Hello, world!":

$ foo hello

And with flags:

$ foo --name Vu hello

Our example above doesn't register any flags so the previous command can't read the --name flag. To register our flag, we need to update our cli instance from the original basic example.

package main

import (

func Hello(flags *flag.FlagSet) {
+   name := flags.Lookup("name")
+   fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!\n", name.Value.String())
-   fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

func main() {
    cli := srgnt.CreateProgram("foo")
-   cli.AddCommand("hello", Hello, "Prints \"Hello, world!\"")
+   cli.AddCommand("hello", Hello, "Prints \"Hello, <name>!\"")
+   cli.AddStringFlag("name", "", "Set a name")


MIT © Vu Tran