Where to start
If the workshop did not start yet then please follow the instructions in the before-workshop folder. If the workshop already started follow the instructions in the during-workshop folder.
Workshop Information
This is what we do in the Blockchain & Smart Contract workshop:
- Introduction to Ledgers, Blockchain and Smart Contracts
- Simple crypt-currency transactions using Ethereum
- Introduction to Solidity and Smart Contract development with Ethereum
- Writing your own (very simple) lottery contract
- Smart Contract testing using testrpc and truffle (and other frameworks)
- Introduction to DApp design and programming
- Discussion on use-cases and future outlook
Goal: After the workshop participants are able to write smart contracts. They got a fist feeling what it means to develop smart contracts and learned what tools are available. Additionally participants know what a DApp is and how it is related to smart contracts. Through examples provided in the workshop participants are able to dig deeper on their own after the workshop.
Note that it depends on the workshop time and number of participants how much of the outline can really be done. The workshop is generally designed for one whole day, but can be extended to two days or longer. Workshops shorter than one day will include mostly the contract parts, the DApp part will be handled but only on the surface.