
Install and run selenoid and selenoid-ui on a single host with ansible and systemd

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Selenoid with Systemd and Ansible

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Before you start

Selenoid doesn't download docker images by himself, so this playbook does it. Therefore you need to install docker-py python package before running it (I don't know how is you manage your python modules, so I don't want to install something in unusual way in your environment). Look at the docker_image ansible module documentation to more information about how this playbook manage docker images.

How to install it ?

You can install this role with ansible-galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install -c vv-p.selenoid-systemd -p ./

Or just download it with git as usual:

git clone https://github.com/vv-p/selenoid-systemd.git

How to use it ?

Just create your own playbook file, check environment variables in defaults/main.yml and run:

cat > selenoid.yml << EOF
- hosts: selenoid

    - selenoid-systemd
ansible-playbook -b -i hosts selenoid.yml


All default variable values stored in defaults/main.yml file:

selenoid_ui: false
selenoid_vnc: false
selenoid_shmSize: 268435456
selenoid_tmpSize: 512m
selenoid_varSize: 128m
selenoid_timezone: "Europe/Moscow"
selenoid_port: 4444
selenoid_ui_port: 8080
  - name: "chrome"
    default: "66.0"
      - "66.0"
      - "65.0"
  - name: "firefox"
    default: "59.0"
      - "59.0"
      - "58.0"
  - name: "opera"
    default: "52.0"
      - "52.0"
      - "51.0"

Look at the official selenoid page to more information - Selenoid Documentation

You can overwrite it in your playbook file:

- hosts: all
    selenoid_ui: true
    selenoid_vnc: true
      - name: "chrome"
        default: "66.0"
          - "66.0"
          - "65.0"

    - selenoid-systemd

or pass it as command-line arguments:

ansible-playbool -b -i hosts selenoid.yml --extra-vars "selenoid_vnc=true"

Look at the Ansible documentation for details.


How to check selenoid (or selenoid-ui) status ?

systemctl status selenoid

How to start or stop selenoid (selenoid-ui) ?

systemctl start selenoid
systemctl stop selenoid

Where is selenoid logs ?

journalctl -u selenoid -f