
A consolidation of all the necessary web component polyfills to make using Skate that much simpler.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SkateJS Web Components

This repo gives you the bare minimum you'd need in an environment that doesn't support Custom Elements or Shadow DOM natively. It gives you support for the V1 APIs of each respectively and ensures all their polyfill dependencies are met.


You can install via NPM:

npm install skatejs-web-components

Or you can download it from unpkg:



You can import it using any module format:

// ES2015
import 'skatejs-web-components';

// CommonJS

// AMD

Or you can use a <script> tag:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/skatejs-web-components/dist/index-with-deps.min.js"></script>