
Java package management for Jython

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Jip is the jython equivalent of pip to python. It will resolve dependencies and download jars for your jython environment.


jip itself is distributed under the license of GNU General Public License, Version 3.


jip is required to run within virtualenv, which is a best practice for python/jython developers to created a standalone, portable environment.

Create virtualenv with jython:

virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/jython jython-env

Activate the shell environment:

cd jython-dev
source bin/activate

Download and install jip with pip:

pip install jip


Install a Java package

jip will resolve dependencies and download jars from maven repositories. You can install a Java package just like what you do python with pip:

jip install <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>

Take spring as example:

jip install org.springframework:spring-core:3.0.5.RELEASE

Resolve dependencies defined in a pom

jip allows you to define dependencies in a maven pom file, which is more maintainable than typing install command one by one:

jip resolve pom.xml

Update snapshot artifact

You can use update command to find and download a new deployed snapshot:

jip update info.sunng.bason:bason-annotation:0.1-SNAPSHOT

Run jython with installed java packages in path

Another script jython-all is shipped with jip. To run jython with Java packages included in path, just use jython-all instead of jython


jip clean will remove everything you downloaded, be careful to use it.


You can configure custom maven repository with a dot file, jip will search configurations in the following order:

  1. $VIRTUAL_ENV/.jip, your virtual environment home
  2. $HOME/.jip, your home

Here is an example:




Be careful that the .jip file will overwrite default settings, so you must include default local and central repository explicitly. jip will skip repositories once it finds package matches the maven coordinator.
