This repository contains patches for VLC for Android which enable discovery of UPNP/DLNA servers over VPN.

These patches were tested on arm64 with some recent versions of VLC app (see below). They may not work with other versions or architectures.


Manual patching

  1. Clone the official repository, checkout a compatible version
  2. Apply the first patch
  3. Build the application (with libvlc) OR build a compatible version of libvlc and replace the in the original APK (e.g. using Apktool)
  4. Add --miface=tun0 (real interface name may be different) in Advanced settings -> custom libVLC options
  5. Restart the application

To use another interface (e.g. a wireless adapter) for DLNA discovery, remove the --miface option and restart the app

Automatic interface selection:

You may apply the second patch after step 2. With this patch applied, libupnp will use the default interface which is used to send packets to (i.e. $(ip route get You should still be able to overwrite the interface for libupnp via the --miface option

Build with Docker (applies both patches)

# build the APK (unsigned release version)
# build only libvlc
./ -l

You can use ARCH (default is arm64) and VERSION (default 3.5.0) environment variables to select a different architecture or VLC version. Use DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG environment variable to select which version of image will be used for build.

Generated files are saved to ./out.

Tested builds

# NOTE doesn't work anymore (git clone fails due to certificate error). May still be possible to build with a newer docker image
DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=20200529135226 VERSION=3.3.4 ./ -l

DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=20210915065913 VERSION=3.4.1 ./ -l
DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=20210915065913 VERSION=3.4.4 ./ -l

DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=20220224093321 VERSION=3.5.0 ./ -l