A collection of Apps generated by Nativefier

Check the Makefile for more info. Feel free to create PRs :) I use Velja for my daily work, which is a browser chooser. This is a collection of apps I use on a daily basis. e.g. JIRA, YouTube. Velja will open the respective links in the respective apps.

Apps supported

  1. YouTube - Maintains single Window / Tab, & supports Sign-in
  2. JIRA - Opens each ticket in separate tabs

How to use

Clone this repository and use make. All Nativefier applications will be in ~/Applications.

git clone https://github.com/vviikk/nativefier-generator.git
$ make youtube
App built to /Users/vik/Applications/YouTube Native-darwin-arm64, move to wherever it makes sense for you and run the app bundle.