Grocery list NextJS Experiment

Playwright Tests

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$ npm run dev # starts the dev server

# or
$ npm run build # builds the app
$ npm run start # starts the app

# running tests
$ npm test # runs jest
$ npm test:e2e # runs end to end tests using playwright

An example app allowing users to make their grocery lists.

Here are user stories that should be covered:

  • As a user, I can view my grocery list
  • As a user, I can add, edit and delete items to my grocery list
  • As a user, I can add an amount to each item in the list
  • As a user, I can mark an item as bought. This will cross out the title and mark the checkbox as checked.

Tech stack:

  • NextJS
  • react-query
  • MUI
  • Node
  • prettier & prettier-eslint for codestyle
  • Github Actions for CI
  • Playwright for e2e tests, running on CI
  • Jest for unit tests, running on CI
  • supertest for Nodejs tests