
Primary LanguageEJS


Website: https://morning-falls-40233.herokuapp.com/

  • Project Goal: Reverse Engineer Site we all liked.
  • Teammates: Will Bowles, Anna Nad, and KT Go
  • Technologies used: HTML/CSS with Bootstrap, JavaScript with EJS Templating, Express/NodeJS. Used RESTful Routes to create CRUD functionallity.

Key Features we chose:
1. Ability to CRUD Restaurants to the website 2. CRUD Users 3. CD Reviews

We used a TripAdvisor website as an inspiration for a NYC Resturant Interactive Directory. We improved on the user flow by adding link to add new restaurants from home page.

We created three databases using MongoDB: Users, Restaurants, and Reviews. Users to Restaurants: Many to Many Users to Reviews: One to Many Restaurants to Reviews: One ot Many

We deployed our project on Heroku: https://morning-falls-40233.herokuapp.com/

Website Pictures Chrome+Preview - Homepage Firefox_preview - Homepage add new restaurant - add new restaurant restaurant - restaurant sign up page - sign up page