
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a REST API built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to create a job board where employers can post job opportunities and employees can upload their resume and apply for jobs.

Getting Started

To run the API locally, follow the steps below:

  • Clone this repository
  • Install the dependencies with npm install
  • Start the server with npm start
  • Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000

API Endpoints

The API provides the following endpoints:


  • GET /jobs - get all jobs
  • GET /jobs/:id/:slug - get job by id and slug
  • GET /jobs/:zipcode/:distance - get jobs in radius
  • POST /jobs/new - create a new job
  • GET /stats/:topic - get job stats
  • PUT /jobs/:id/apply - apply to job by id
  • PUT /jobs/:id - update job by id
  • DELETE /jobs/:id - delete job by id


  • POST /register - register new user
  • POST /login - login user
  • POST /password/forgot - forgot password
  • PUT /password/rest/:token - reset password
  • GET /logout - log out user


  • GET /me - user profile
  • GET /jobs/applied - jobs user applied to
  • GET /jobs/published - jobs published by employer
  • PUT /me/update - Update user profile
  • PUT /passsword/update - update user password
  • PUT /me/delete - delete user profile