
Quick example of geographical conversion with Proj4js using Node.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LambertIIConversion is a quick example of geographical conversion with Proj4Js using NodeJs. It converts the position of an antenna (x and y fields in siteCoord.csv) from the Lambert II coordinates system into Latitude/Longitude.


  • NodeJs


  • Run npm install to retrieve libraries used such as node-proj4js.
  • Move the file EPSG27572.js in node_modules/proj4js/lib/defs to enable conversion from or to Lambert II.
  • Since the node_modules directory is provided, the two steps above shouldn't be necessary.
  • Run the program with node conversion.js.


The program will output all data in a file named newCoord.csv. This file should be initialized with "c";"name";"l";"lat";"lon";"X";"Y";"s". You can see an example of a proper initialized file in newCoord_example.csv. The generated csv will have two more fields: Latitude and Longitude. You can find an already generated file named newCoord_complete.csv.
