
A basic collection with only one role, to show how to configure molecule, so that variables stored in a vault are available when running the tests.


The variable used by the role, is defined in the group_vars/all in the playbooks directory. The vault part follows ansible best practices, with a first file vault_all.yml, containing the data to secure: vault_secret_data: "42". Then a second file exposes the variable for usage in playbooks (as explained in Playbooks Best Practises - Variables and Vaults).

Then all the needed configuration occurs in molecule.yml.

  name: ansible
      vault_password_file: ${MOLECULE_SCENARIO_DIRECTORY}/../../../../../../vault.pw
      group_vars: ${MOLECULE_SCENARIO_DIRECTORY}/../../../../../../playbooks/group_vars/

In this context ${MOLECULE_SCENARIO_DIRECTORY} translate to vvision/tests/roles/example/molecule/default (from the root of the git repository).

With the vault_password_file property, we specify the path to a file containing the password used to decrypt the vault.

With the group_vars property, we specify the path to our group_vars files containing the variables definition.

To conclude, this configuration allow us to use secrets from an ansible vault in the molecule test process.




Clone repository: cd test-ansible-role-molecule-vault

Install virtualenv. virtualenv .venv source .venv/bin/activate

Install molecule: python3 -m pip install molecule ansible-core.

Install molecule podman plugin: python3 -m pip install "molecule-plugins[podman]".

Or install molecule docker plugin: python3 -m pip install "molecule-plugins[docker]".

Execute molecule test

From the root of the repository: cd vvision/tests/roles/example.

Default test will use podman, docker available with -s docker.

Run the test: molecule test.

Execute playbook

From the root of the repository: cd playbooks

Install collection (or re-install with --force option): ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Run playbook locally: ansible-playbook --connection=local --inventory, --vault-password-file ../vault.pw example.yml

Also possible to use: DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=./vault.pw


View the content of the vault: ansible-vault view playbooks/group_vars/all/vault_all.yml. Edit the content of the vault: ansible-vault edit playbooks/group_vars/all/vault_all.yml.

(See vault password in the vault.pw file).


At the end, exit virtualenv with: deactivate.