
draws in dot format basic blocks with debug info if available

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

  1. Dependencies.
    1. kotlin native
    2. llvm 6+ (macports curently)
  2. Build.
    # ./gradlew build
  3. How to use?

    0:minamoto@minamoto-osx(0)# konanc -version                                                                           
    info: kotlinc-native 1.3.40-dev-1480 (JRE 10.0.1+10)
    Kotlin/Native: 1.3-dev
    0:minamoto@minamoto-osx(0)# konanc -Xtemporary-files-dir=.tmp_strSum strSum.kt -g
    0:minamoto@minamoto-osx(0)# build/bin/macos/debugExecutable/debug-info-viewer.kexe -b .tmp_strSum/program.kt.bc -p kfun:sum > strSum.dot
    0:minamoto@minamoto-osx(0)# dot -T pdf -o strSum.pdf strSum.dot
    0:minamoto@minamoto-osx(0)# open strSum.pdf                                                      

in pictures :) :