Run/debug the Micronaut application in native (no JVM) mode inside docker container

We build our native application with maven using docker-native packaging. Then build docker debug graalvm image with coping there built classes and dependencies. Then we take from this docker image the "application" executable file and run debug using it on docker target.

  1. Run maven target mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native to build native application, profile: graalvm

  2. Copy target/Dockerfile, name it Debug.dockerfile and place it into the same target folder.
    Change it:

    # GraalVM image based on some image, here on Oracle Linux 9
    # because on dependencies on system libraies it's better to reuse same image for run
    ARG BASE_IMAGE_RUN="oraclelinux:9"
    FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} AS builder
    WORKDIR /home/app
    COPY classes /home/app/classes
    COPY dependency/* /home/app/libs/
    COPY *.args /home/app/graalvm-native-image.args
    #Here main class of your server application
    ARG CLASS_NAME="example.micronaut.Application"
    RUN native-image @/home/app/graalvm-native-image.args -H:Class=${CLASS_NAME} -g -H:Name=application -cp "/home/app/libs/*:/home/app/classes/"
    RUN if [[ -n "${EXTRA_CMD}" ]] ; then eval ${EXTRA_CMD} ; fi
    COPY --from=builder /home/app/application /app/application
    #copy debug info of application
    COPY --from=builder /home/app/application.debug /app/application.debug
    #install gdbserver to debug
    RUN dnf install -y gdb-gdbserver
    ARG PORT=8080
  3. Run "Build image" for Debug.dockerfile(click on the gutter ->Build image)

  4. Configure GraalVM Native Image run configuration:

    • Executable: target/application
    • Use classpath module: demo
    • Run on target: Docker
      • Dockerfile: target/Debug.dockerfile
      • Optional:
        • Image tag: gdbserver
        • Run options: add -p 8080:8080
  5. Set break point to UserController class, random get method

  6. Press "Debug" on the created GraalVM Native Image run configuration

  7. Go to http://localhost:8080/users/random to stop on this endpoint.

Troubleshooting It is not possible to set breakpoints for some classes/methods ...