- Run maven target
to build native application profile:native
additional VM options:-Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
So, we have as a result this command:
mvn package -P native -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true -Dquarkus.native.debug.enabled=true -Dquarkus.native.builder-image=quay.io/quarkus/ubi-quarkus-mandrel-builder-image:23.0-jdk-17
- Edit Dockerfile, to prepare container with gdb server installed e.g:
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:8.6 CMD ["yum", "install", "gdb"]
- Create
GraalVM Native Image
"` run configuration to debug application- Executable:
- Use classpath for module:
- Create target from your docker file 'e.g. src/main/docerfile/Dockerfile.native'
- add optional flag
-p 8080:8080
- add image tag, because without it there are problems (which???? )
- add optional flag
- Executable:
- Press debug on this run configuration
- Set desired breakpoints e.g. in
curl http://localhost:8080/hello/add/minamoto/44
Troubleshooting https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-331760/ It is not possible to set breakpoints for some classes/methods ...