This is the Rails 4 application providing HN Search. It's mainly based on angular.js, algoliasearch-rails and uses wkhtmltoimage to crawl+render thumbnails.
We love pull-requests :)
# clone the repository
git clone
cd hn-search
# install dependencies
bundle install
# setup credentials
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml # feel free to edit, default configuration is OK for search-only
cp config/application.example.yml config/application.yml # feel free to edit, default configuration is OK for search-only
# setup your (sqlite3) database
rake db:migrate
# start contributing enjoying Guard (watchers, livereload, notifications, ...)
# done!
open http://localhost:3000
If you want to contribute to the UI, the only directory you need to look at is app/assets
. This directory contains all the JS, HTML & CSS code.
The indexing is configured using the following algoliasearch
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
include AlgoliaSearch
algoliasearch per_environment: true do
# the list of attributes sent to Algolia's API
attribute :created_at, :title, :url, :author, :points, :story_text, :comment_text, :author, :num_comments, :story_id, :story_title
attribute :created_at_i do
# `title` is more important than `{story,comment}_text`, `{story,comment}_text` more than `url`, `url` more than `author`
# btw, do not take into account position in most fields to avoid first word match boost
attributesToIndex ['unordered(title)', 'unordered(story_text)', 'unordered(comment_text)', 'unordered(url)', 'author', 'created_at_i']
# list of attributes to highlight
attributesToHighlight ['title', 'story_text', 'comment_text', 'url', 'story_url', 'author', 'story_title']
# tags used for filtering
tags do
[item_type, "author_#{author}", "story_#{story_id}"]
# use associated number of HN points to sort results (last sort criteria)
customRanking ['desc(points)', 'desc(num_comments)']
# controls the way results are sorted sorting on the following 4 criteria (one after another)
# I removed the 'exact' match critera (improve 1-words query relevance, doesn't fit HNSearch needs)
ranking ['typo', 'proximity', 'attribute', 'custom']
# google+, $1.5M raises, C#: we love you
separatorsToIndex '+#$'
def story_text
item_type_cd != Item.comment ? text : nil
def story_title
comment? && story ? story.title : nil
def story_url
comment? && story ? story.url : nil
def comment_text
comment? ? text : nil
def comment?
item_type_cd == Item.comment
- HackerNews
- Firebase for the real-time crawling API
- wkhtmltoimage to back the thumbnails' crawl+rendering