
Learning Material for C# interviews

C# Interview Preparation Guide

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This repository is a comprehensive guide for preparing for C# interviews, covering essential topics from the basics of C# to advanced concepts.


  • .NET CLR Runtime
    • Overview of CLR (Common Language Runtime)
    • Execution process in .NET
    • Memory management and garbage collection
  • Syntax and Lexical Conventions, Datatypes
    • Basic syntax and structure of C# code
    • Primitive and non-primitive data types
    • Value types vs. reference types
  • Conditionals, Looping Constructs
    • If-else statements, switch-case
    • Loops: for, foreach, while, do-while
  • Functions
    • Defining and invoking functions
    • Parameters, return types, and overloading
    • Extension methods
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • Classes and objects
    • Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction
    • Interfaces and abstract classes
  • Multithreading
    • Basics of threading and Thread class
    • Task Parallel Library (TPL)
    • Synchronization and thread safety
  • Exception Handling
    • Try-catch blocks
    • Custom exceptions
    • Best practices for exception handling
    • Database connectivity and operations
    • DataSet and DataReader
    • Connection, Command, and DataAdapter objects
  • Delegates and Events
    • Delegates, multicast delegates
    • Events and event handling
    • Anonymous methods and lambda expressions
  • LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
    • LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML
    • Query syntax vs. method syntax
    • Deferred execution and lazy evaluation
  • Collections and Generics
    • Generic collections (List, Dictionary, etc.)
    • IEnumerable and IQueryable interfaces
    • Custom generic classes and methods
  • Attributes and Reflection
    • Applying and creating custom attributes
    • Using reflection to inspect and invoke members
    • Dynamic type creation
  • File I/O and Serialization
    • File reading and writing
    • Serialization and deserialization in .NET
    • XML and JSON handling
  • Memory Management and Garbage Collection
    • Understanding managed heap and stack
    • Garbage collection process
    • IDisposable interface and using statements
  • Asynchronous Programming (async/await)
    • Async methods and Task class
    • Using async and await keywords
    • Best practices for asynchronous programming


Feel free to contribute to this repository by adding more examples, explanations, and resources related to each topic. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!