
This Repository contains the java solutions for the Amazon OA Questions.

Primary LanguageJava

This Repository contains the java solutions for the Amazon OA Questions found here

List of Questions:
Index Name Frequency Level Status Notes leet link
1. Top K Frequently Mentioned Keywords ⭐⭐⭐ Experienced link
2. Zombie in Matrix (Min hours to send file to all available servers) ⭐⭐⭐ Experienced link
4. Product Suggestions System ⭐⭐ Experienced Try solving with Tries link
5. Number of Clusters ⭐⭐ Experienced Try to reduce the call stack without recursion link
6. Reorder Data in Log Files ⭐⭐ Experienced link
8. K Closes Points Intern link
9. Find Pair With Given Sum ⭐⭐ Experienced, Intern link
10. Max Of Min Altitudes ⭐⭐ Intern link
11. Min Cost to Connect Ropes Experienced link
12. Treasure Island / Min Distance to Remove the Obstacle (BFS) Experienced link
13. Favorite Genres ⭐⭐ New Grad link
14. Treasure Island 2 link
15. 01 Matrix link
16. Merge Two Sorted Lists ⭐⭐ [New Grad Intern]
17. Most Common Word ⭐⭐ [Intern] link
18. N-Ary Subtree with Max Average link
19. Subtree of Another Tree ⭐⭐ [New Grad] link
20. Prison Cells After N Days link
21. Two Sum Unique Pairs ⭐⭐ [New Grad] link
22. Find N Unique Integers Sum to Zero link
23. Spiral Matrix ii ⭐⭐ [New Grad] link
24. Sub Strings Of Size K With K Distinct Chars [New Grad] link
24. Longest substring without repeating characters [New Grad] link
26. longest Vowel substring In a String link
27. Generate Parentheses [Intern] link