
Miscellaneous software to aid in NES development

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

NES Tools

This repository is a collection of tools created to aid in development for the 8-bit home console known as the NES.


Convert a four-color image into a 2bpp image. One can enable culling of duplicate tiles with the -c option, or disable this culling with -C. Usage:

$ mk2bpp [-c|-C] file ... >out.chr


The mk2bpp program outputs in NES format. The Game Boy uses a different 2bpp format. So nes2gb translates the former into the latter. Usage:

$ nes2gb <file.chr >file.bin


Mainly for previewing purposes. Convert a NES pattern table into a PGM image. Usage:

# unchr <tiles.chr >tiles.pgm

Third-Party Software

The stb_image.h file comes from the stb suite and is licensed as indicated in its own footer, either the MIT license or the Unlicense, at your option.