
A package for using Azure Kinect depth cameras by Microsoft in VL

Primary LanguageC#


A package for using Azure Kinect depth cameras by Microsoft in VL.

Try it with vvvv, the visual live-programming environment for .NET
Download: http://visualprogramming.net

Using the library

In order to use this library with VL you have to install the nuget that is available via nuget.org. For information on how to use nugets with VL, see Managing Nugets in the VL documentation. As described there you go to the commandline and then type:

nuget install VL.Devices.AzureKinect

Once the VL.Devices.AzureKinect nuget is installed and referenced in your VL document you'll see the category "AzureKinect" under "Devices" in the nodebrowser.

Demos are available via the Help Browser!


Development of this library was partially sponsored by

For custom development requests, please get in touch.