
PowerShell function that locates and analyzes looped groups within an Active Directory domain.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


I wrote a tool that comprehensively identifies and analyzes looped group membership within an Active Directory domain. Features include:

  • Avoids use of programmatic recursion and includes safeguards against infinite feedback loops.
  • Supports all group types (Global, Domain Local, Universal).
  • Identifies loops with numerous members (ex. A is a member of B, B is a member of C, C is a member of D, and D is a member of A).
  • Identifies "loops within loops", wherein a single group may be a participant in multiple loops.
  • Provides readable text output which describes how each loop is formed.


Import-Module .\Find-LoopedADGroups.ps1


You need to have the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module installed/loaded (available in RSAT Tools). Once that is available, run the function:


The code outputs an object for each set of groups that are determined to be participating in one or more loops. The object has several properties:

  • LoopParticipants: An array of the Distinguished Names of the groups participating in the loop(s).
  • StartingGroup: The group that was being analyzed when the loop was initially detected.
  • LoopAnalysis: A hashtable of name/value pairs that contains an analysis of each loop that was detected amongst the members in LoopParticipants. The hashtable may contain multiple name/value pairs if the groups are looped multiple times within each other.


For this example I created some test groups in Active Directory (Group1 through Group9), and set up several loops:

  • Group2 is a member of Group1
  • Group3 is a member of Group2
  • Group4 is a member of Group3
  • Group1 and Group5 are members of Group4 (this technically creates two loops in Group1 through Group6)
  • Group6 is a member of Group5
  • Group1 is a member of Group6
  • Group8 is a member of Group7
  • Group9 is a member of Group8
  • Group7 is a member of Group9

The code returns two objects because there are two sets of groups (Group1 through Group6 and Group7 through Group9) that have one or more loops between them.


Examining the results for Group1 through Group6 more closely, we can see that there were two loops detected in LoopAnalysis (because Group1 AND Group5 are members of Group4).


Taking a closer look at the loop analysis results we can see that the code correct identified both loops along with an easy to follow explanation of why each loop exists.
