
A stream that detects tabular data (spreadsheets, dsv or json) and yields objects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A stream that detects tabular data (spreadsheets, dsv or json) and yields objects.
Supports 20+ different file formats. Spreadsheets and DSV must have a header.

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npm i detect-tabular map-tabular-keys snake-case jsonstream

const detect = require('detect-tabular')
const fs = require('fs')
const keys = require('map-tabular-keys')
const snake = require('snake-case').snakeCase
const json = require('jsonstream')


Tip   If you need normalization like this or number coercion, jump to tabular-stream. If you want a CLI that does multi-format conversion, check out tabular-cli.



Returns a duplex stream - give it any tabular data, get back objects. Options are passed as-is to spreadsheet-stream (if applicable).

Supported Input Formats

Text formats:

Binary formats, through spreadsheet-stream:

  • Office Open XML (xlsx, Excel 2007 and above)
  • SpreadsheetML (xml, Excel 2003)
  • BIFF 5-8 (xls, Excel 95 and above)
  • Open Document Format/OASIS (ods)
  • SYLK
  • And more.

NB. Because these binary formats are not streamable, spreadsheet-stream will buffer the whole thing in memory. As a safe-guard you can set the maxSize option (in bytes): detect({ maxSize: 1024 * 1024 }). See spreadsheet-stream for details.


With npm do:

npm install detect-tabular



Test data © Statistics Netherlands, The Hague/Heerlen.