
Check that a git reference name is well formed.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Check that a git reference name is well formed, per git-check-ref-format(1).

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const validRef = require('is-git-ref-name-valid')

validRef('refs/heads/foo.bar') // true
validRef('refs/heads/foo^bar') // false

Same as git check-ref-format, the reference name must contain a / by default. This can be disabled:

validRef('ünicöde')       // false
validRef('ünicöde', true) // true

To validate branch names, for which there are additional rules, use is-git-branch-name-valid.


validRef(name[, onelevel])

Takes a string name and an optional onelevel boolean. Returns true if name is well formed. Throws if name is not a string. If onelevel is true then name does not have to contain a /.


With npm do:

npm install is-git-ref-name-valid


MIT © Vincent Weevers