
Convert markdown to ansi with support of hyperlinks.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Convert markdown to ansi with support of hyperlinks.

npm node Test JavaScript Style Guide Common Changelog


Meant for short snippets of markdown, markdown-to-ansi supports a subset of (GFM) markdown:

  • Inline code
  • Links. If the terminal does not support hyperlinks, only the url is returned.
  • Literal urls. GitHub and npm urls are shortened (see example below).
  • Emphasis and strong
  • Headings
  • Thematic breaks (---)

Other markdown is simply returned as markdown (not necessarily as-is because it does go through a parser). Pull requests are welcome to support additional markdown syntax. It's easy to extend because markdown-to-ansi is built on the micromark parser and friends.


This package is ESM-only.

Given an example.md:

## Links

Literal url: https://example.com
Markdown link: [beep](https://example.com)
With formatting: [`boop`](https://example.com)
PR: https://github.com/vweevers/markdown-to-ansi/pull/1
Commit: https://github.com/vweevers/markdown-to-ansi/commit/1234567
Repo: https://github.com/vweevers/markdown-to-ansi
Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/markdown-to-ansi


## Lists, strong and emphasis

- **foo**
- _bar_
- **_baz_**

And running the following example.js:

import markdownToAnsi from 'markdown-to-ansi'
import fs from 'fs'

const markdown = fs.readFileSync('example.md', 'utf8')
const transform = markdownToAnsi()
const result = transform(markdown)


Results in:

example screenshot 1

My terminal doesn't support bold, so let me demonstrate custom styles:

const chalk = require('chalk')
const transform = require('markdown-to-ansi')({
  style: {
    thematicBreak: chalk.red,
    emphasis: chalk.underline,
    strong: chalk.red

Results in:

example screenshot 2


transform = markdownToAnsi([options])

Factory that returns a transform function. Options:

  • stream: stream to detect support of hyperlinks on, defaults to stdout
  • width (number): terminal width, used for thematic breaks, defaults to stream.columns
  • style (object): override one or more styles by providing functions that return a formatted string for:
    • inlineCode
    • heading
    • emphasis
    • strong
    • thematicBreak.

ansi = transform(markdown)

Takes a markdown string, returns a string containing ansi escape sequences.


With npm do:

npm install markdown-to-ansi


MIT © Vincent Weevers