
An universal, extensible intermediate representation for document-like content.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


An universal, extensible intermediate representation for document-like content.


Name Description Status
nast-types A TypeScript type definition module to specify data models for intermediate representation of data. Experimental
nast-util-from-notionapi Import data from a Notion page. Experimental
nast-util-from-orgzly Import data from an org-mode file exported by Orgzly. Proof of Concept
nast-util-to-html Render data to HTML. (Deprecated) Experimental
nast-util-to-react Render data to JSX.Element or HTML. (Preferred) Experimental
nast-util-to-svelte Render data to HTML using Svelte. -
  • Stability : Stable > Experimental > Proof of Concept


Clone the repo and cd into it

git clone https://github.com/dragonman225/nast.git && cd nast

Install dependencies

  • lerna (required)

    npm i -g lerna

    This project uses lerna to manage the monorepo. If you haven't used it before, this tutorial is a good start point.

  • typedoc (optional)

    npm i -g typedoc

    typedoc needs to be available in the command-line for reference document generation.

  • Graphviz (optional)

    pacman -S graphviz # For Arch Linux

    dot needs to available in the command-line for dependency graph generation.

Run setup

A shell script is prepared for you. It will bootstrap the dependencies of the packages and run the first build for those that need to be built.



  • Test the overall functionality with npdl.

    Download a Notion page and render it to HTML. Use the CSS theme at packages/nast-util-to-react/test/theme.css.

    node packages/npdl/index.js -i=<notion_page_url> output.html

    Use an external theme.

    node packages/npdl/index.js -i=<notion_page_url> --theme=<path_to_css> output.html

    Just download a Notion page without rendering to HTML.

    node packages/npdl/index.js -i=<notion_page_url> --tree output.json

    npdl has more features, which can be listed with

    node packages/npdl/index.js

    You can also install npdl globally.

    cd packages/npdl && npm i -g .
  • Each package may have its own test suite, which is not covered here.