
zipkin-elasticsearch scala backend

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Atlassian specific customisations and wrapper app around Zipkin:

Currently, it contains:

  • zipkin-elasticsearch: Implementation of Zipkin's SpanStore that hooks up with ElasticSearch
  • zipkin-laas: LaaS-specific configuration/code, and the main application that spins up zipkin-query and zipkin-web.
  • zipkin-web: Slightly customised version of Zipkin's zipkin-web modules, primarily because we need the web resources local to the server when running the app.

Getting started

To build:


To run:

LAAS_USER=(LDAP username) LAAS_PASS=(LDAP paasword) ./bin/laas

Then you should have access via http://localhost:8080

Standard Gradle commands should work as well e.g. ./gradlew test to run all the tests.

Adding new services

If the service is on Micros, and is using the standard structure (Link TBC), then you should just need to modify Main.scala in zipkin-laas to add your service and the environments you want to enable Zipkin in.

If the trace information is in a non-standard structure, you can add a customised IndexPattern, see com.twitter.zipkin.laas.Blobstore as an example.

The basic format is:

    "trace": {
        "trace_id": ...,
        "name": ..., // string, name of span, e.g rpc method
        "span_id": ...,
        "parent_span_id": ..., // optional
        "type": ..., // either "client" or "server"
        "recv_timestamp": ..., // optional, milliseconds from epoch
        "send_timestamp": ... // optional, milliseconds from epoch

There is also an early version of a log parser for Unicorn apps, which follows the same structure as above, except namespaced under ext to align with atlassian-logging.

Be sure to add tests in zipkin-laas (we're using Specs2 for these tests).

Running a Scala REPL

The repl project is configured to run a REPL importing all the code from zipkin-laas main. To run the repl, run repl.sh in the project root directory. It also references a repl.scala file that can contain initial commands (i.e. initialCommands in SBT)


Who do I talk to?

  • Zipkin Hipchat room
  • Sam Reis
  • Sidney Shek