- 2
ainput can't be cancelled
#113 opened by samskiter - 2
[Feature request] Allow cursor moving on `ainput`
#119 opened by RaulWCosta - 2
stderr / stdout closed when using uvloop and ainput
#117 opened by mjpieters - 6
Can't mix ainput() with input() on Unix
#99 opened by plammens - 2
Incompatible with Python 3.11.7 and 3.12.1
#114 opened by achimnol - 5
aioconsole.aprint raises `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fileno'`
#109 opened by JoakimJoensuu - 1
example/ not work under Python3.11
#108 opened by honglei - 6
Compatibility with non-interactive docker containers
#102 opened by AGhost-7 - 8
- 4
BrokenPipeError on EOFError
#87 opened by jkerdreux-imt - 0
- 2
Command history file support?
#100 opened by GeekDuanLian - 10
surprises from get_standard_streams
#98 opened by dougransom - 2
- 2
- 3
#80 opened by david-shiko - 1
- 3
Broken with uvloop 0.13.0 and 0.14.0
#62 opened by talwrii - 3
Locals are shared between clients
#69 opened by louie-github - 2
- 1
- 4
Pressing ctrl-d when running interact(stop=False) in a loop causes unexpected behaviour
#65 opened by iExalt - 3
Fails to freeze with cx_freeze
#59 opened by Berserker66 - 3
Module `aioconsole.code` might conflict with the `code` module from the standard library
#60 opened by ronaaronson - 3
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 14
ainput on apython raise a NameError. (
#47 opened by cyvax - 1
[Question] How to do the equivalent of code.interact(dict(globals(), **locals()))?
#48 opened by NightMachinery - 2
How to add autocomplete when using ainput?
#44 opened by HatBoy - 2
Windows compatibility broken by fcntl import
#45 opened by chriscline - 4
apython exits when there is too much output
#42 opened by gnachman - 6
Printing not showing in the console
#40 opened by JonasVautherin - 1
CI failure for python 3.8-dev
#36 opened by yuxincs - 0
Using a linux pipe as stdin breaks the stream
#32 opened by vxgmichel - 1
Provide shortcut for aprint?
#31 opened by yuxincs - 1
0.1.9 fails with TypeError (Python 3.6)
#29 opened by berekuk - 2
Reading a file from standardinput using ainput
#28 opened by srbcheema1 - 4
Console gets mixedup after specific output
#26 opened by tiagocoutinho - 6
Custom banner for apython
#20 opened by gnachman - 2
python 3.7 compatibility
#23 opened by drankinn - 3
- 3
ainput doesn't work with uvloop
#17 opened by busimus - 3
Exception when exiting apython using python 3.5
#14 opened by rogpeppe - 3
- 3
Bootstrap error at MacOS
#15 opened by strongbugman - 3
Why does print() have an impact on ainput()?
#12 opened by haukero - 6
- 5