
đź“š Contains a set of tips and tricks to optimize python code with generators, coroutines and asyncIO

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

made-with-python Code style: black License

Python optimization cheetsheet

Implementation of python optimization cheetsheet (yield, generators, coroutines and asyncio). The source code is located here.




Basic functions calculate values and returns them, otherwise generators return a lazy iterator that returns a stream of values.

A common use case of generators is to work with data streams or large files like .csv files


Basic generator sample

# materials/generator_sample.py

def generator_sample():
    yield 100

generator = generator_sample()
print(hasattr(generator, '__next__'))

generator_list = list(generator_sample())


Generator with multiple yield statements

# materials/multiple_yields.py

def multiple_yields():
    yield 'This'
    yield 'is'
    yield 'my'
    yield 'generator'
    yield 'function'
    yield '!'

values = multiple_yields()

other_values = multiple_yields()
for value in other_values:

Yielding iterable with generator

Any function that has yield operator is a generator.

Generation an infinite sequence, however, will require the use of a generator, since your computer memory is finite. Yield is an expression rather than statement.

# materials/yielding.py

def is_palindrome_number(number):
    return number == int(str(number)[::-1])

def infinite_sequence():
    num = 0
    while True:
        yield num
        num += 1

for number in infinite_sequence():
    if is_palindrome_number(number):

def countdown_from(number):
    print(f'Starting to count from {number}!')
    while number > 0:
        yield number
        number -= 1

def increment(start, stop):
    yield from range(start, stop)

countdown = countdown_from(number=10)
for count in countdown:

incremental = increment(start=1, stop=10)
for inc in incremental:


# materials/generator_expressions.py

even_numbers = (num for num in range(15) if num % 2 == 0)
for num in even_numbers:

def multiply_each_by(multiplier):
    return (element * multiplier for element in range(5))

multiplied_container = multiply_each_by(multiplier=3)
for obj in multiplied_container:

new iteration patterns with generators

# materials/float_range.py

def float_range(start, stop, increment):
    initial_point = start
    while initial_point < stop:
        yield initial_point
        initial_point += increment

for number in float_range(0, 4, 0.5):
# materials/countdown.py

class Countdown:
    def __init__(self, start):
        self._start = start

    def __iter__(self):
        number = self._start
        while number > 0:
            yield number
            number -= 1

    def __reversed__(self):
        number = 1
        while number <= self._start:
            yield number
            number += 1

forward_countdown = Countdown(10)
for f_count in forward_countdown:

reversed_countdown = reversed(Countdown(10))
for r_count in reversed_countdown:

advanced operations with generators

Slice generator elements

# materials/slice_generators.py

import itertools

def doubles_of(number):
    for num in range(number):
        yield 2 * num


for element in itertools.islice(doubles_of(50), 10, 15):

Concatenate generators sequence

# materials/concatenate_generators.py

import itertools

def fruits():
    for fruit in ('apple', 'orange', 'banana'):
        yield fruit

def vegetables():
    for vegetable in ('potato', 'tomato', 'cucumber'):
        yield vegetable


bucket = itertools.chain(fruits(), vegetables())
for item in bucket:

Zip generators elements

# materials/zip_generators.py

import itertools

def ascending():
    yield from (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

def descending():
    yield from (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

for pair in itertools.zip_longest(ascending(), descending()):

memory efficient objects

# materials/memory_efficacy.py

import sys
import cProfile

generator_container = (num * 3 for num in range(10000000) if num % 6 == 0 or num % 7 == 0)

list_container = [num * 3 for num in range(10000000) if num % 6 == 0 or num % 7 == 0]



Coroutines can consume and produce data. They can pause stream execution till next message is sent.

Generators produce data for iteration while coroutines can also consume data.

Sending values with .send method

# materials/send_coroutines.py

def coroutine():
    while True:
        value = yield  # allows to manipulate yielded value

i = coroutine()
i.send(None)  # initial value should be 'None'

def counter(maximum):
    initial = 0
    while initial < maximum:
        value = (yield initial)  # equals to None till .send(number) is called
        # If value is given (remember default is None) then change the counter
        if value is not None:
            initial = value
            initial += 1

c = counter(10)
print(next(c))  # 0
print(next(c))  # 1
print(c.send(5))  # 5
print(next(c))  # 6

def is_palindrome_number(number):
    return number == int(str(number)[::-1])

def infinite_palindromes():
    number = 0
    while True:
        if is_palindrome_number(number):
            i = (yield number)
            if i is not None:
                number = i
        number += 1

c = infinite_palindromes()
print(next(c))  # 0
print(next(c))  # 1
print(c.send(100))  # 101
print(next(c))  # 111

def print_name(prefix):
    print("Search for ", prefix, " prefix")
    while True:
        name = yield
        if prefix in name:

pn = print_name("Dear")
next(pn)  # calls first yield expression
pn.send("Dear Alex")  # matches with prefix

def grep(pattern):
    print(f"Search for '{pattern}' pattern")
    while True:
        value = yield
        if pattern in value:
            print(f"Matched: '{value}'")

g = grep("hey")
next(g)  # to start coroutine
g.send("hey Mike")

Raise an exception with .throw method

.throw() allows you to throw exceptions through the generator.

# materials/throw_coroutines.py

def counter(maximum):
    initial = 0
    while initial < maximum:
        value = (yield initial)  # equals to None till .send(number) is called
        # If value is given (remember default is None) then change the counter
        if value is not None:
            initial = value
            initial += 1

c = counter(10)
for i in c:
    if i == 5:
        c.throw(ValueError("It is too large"))

Stop generator with .close method

.close() allows you to stop a generator. Instead of calling .throw(), you use .close() (it calls StopIteration error).

# materials/close_coroutines.py

def counter(maximum):
    initial = 0
    while initial < maximum:
        value = (yield initial)  # equals to None till .send(number) is called
        # If value is given (remember default is None) then change the counter
        if value is not None:
            initial = value
            initial += 1

c = counter(10)
for i in c:
    if i == 5:
        c.close()  # stops as here is raises 'StopIteration' exception

def print_name(prefix):
    print("Search for", prefix, "prefix")
        while True:
            name = yield
            if prefix in name:
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("Closing generator!")

pn = print_name("Dear")
next(pn)  # calls first yield expression
pn.send("Dear Alex")  # matches with prefix

Create pipelines

Coroutines can be used to set pipes

# materials/coroutine_chaining.py

def producer(sentence: str, next_coroutine):
    """Split strings and feed it to pattern_filter coroutine."""
    tokens = sentence.split(" ")
    for token in tokens:

def pattern_filter(pattern="ing", next_coroutine=None):
    """Search for pattern and if pattern got matched, send it to print_token coroutine."""
    print(f"Search for {pattern} pattern")
        while True:
            token = yield
            if pattern in token:
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("Done with filtering")

def print_token():
    """Act as a sink, simply print the token."""
    print("I'm sink, I'll print tokens")
        while True:
            token = yield
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("Done with printing")

pt = print_token()
pf = pattern_filter(next_coroutine=pt)

sentence = "Bob is running behind a fast moving car"
producer(sentence, pf)


# materials/decorator.py

def coroutine(func):
    """A decorator function that eliminates the need to call .next() when starting a coroutine."""
    def start(*args, **kwargs):
        cr = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return cr
    return start

if __name__ == "__main__":
    def grep(pattern):
        print(f"Search for '{pattern}' pattern")
        while True:
            value = yield
            if pattern in value:

    g = grep("python")
    # Notice now you don't need a next() call here
    g.send("Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no")
    g.send("A series of tubes")
    g.send("python generators rock!")
# materials/benchmark.py

from timeit import timeit
from materials.decorator import coroutine

# An object
class GrepHandler:
    def __init__(self, pattern, target):
        self._pattern = pattern
        self._target = target

    def send(self, line):
        if self._pattern in line:

# a coroutine
def grep(pattern, target):
    while True:
        line = yield
        if pattern in line:

# A null-sink to send data
def null():
    while True:
        item = yield

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # A benchmark
    line = "python is nice"
    p1 = grep("python", null())  # coroutine
    p2 = GrepHandler("python", null())  # an object

    print("Coroutine: ", timeit("p1.send(line)", "from __main__ import line, p1"))
    print("Object: ", timeit("p2.send(line)", "from __main__ import line, p2"))
# materials/broadcast.py

An example of broadcasting a data stream onto multiple coroutine targets.

import time
from materials.decorator import coroutine

# A data source. This is not a coroutine, but it sends data into one target
def follow(thefile, target):
    thefile.seek(0, 2)  # Go to end of a file
    while True:
        line = thefile.readline()
        if not line:

# A filter
def grep(pattern, target):
    while True:
        line = yield  # Receive a line
        if pattern in line:
            target.send(line)  # Send to next stage

# A sink. A coroutine that receives data
def printer():
    while True:
        line = yield

# Broadcast a stream onto multiple targets
def broadcast(targets):
    while True:
        item = yield
        for target in targets:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    f = open("access.log", "+a")
    follow(f, broadcast((grep("python", printer()), grep("ply", printer()), grep("swig", printer()))))


Asynchronous IO is a concurrent programming design (paradigm). Coroutines (specialized generator functions) are the heart of async IO in Python.

Parallelism consists of performing multiple operations at the same time. Multiprocessing is a means to effect parallelism, and it entails spreading tasks over a computer’s central processing units (CPUs, or cores).

Concurrency is a slightly broader term than parallelism. Multiple tasks have the ability to run in an overlapping manner. Concurrency (concurrent.futures package) include both multiprocessing and threading.

Threading is a concurrent execution model whereby multiple threads take turns executing tasks. One process can contain multiple threads.

asyncio is a library to write concurrent code. It is not threading, nor is it multiprocessing. In fact, async IO is a single-threaded, single-process design: it uses cooperative multitasking. Coroutines (a central feature of async IO) can be scheduled concurrently, but they are not inherently concurrent.

async IO is a style of concurrent programming, but it is not parallelism. It’s more closely aligned with threading than with multiprocessing but is very much distinct from both of these and is a standalone member in concurrency’s bag of tricks

What is asynchronous ?

  • Asynchronous routines are able to “pause” while waiting on their ultimate result and let other routines run in the meantime
  • Asynchronous code, facilitates concurrent execution

Async IO takes long waiting periods in which functions would otherwise be blocking and allows other functions to run during that downtime

async built on non-blocking sockets, callbacks and event loops. async def syntax stand for native coroutine or asynchronous generator. await keyword passes function control back to event loop. It suspends the execution of coroutine.

# materials/async_.py

import asyncio

async def count():  # single event loop
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # when task reaches here it will sleep to 1 seconds ands says to do other job meantime

async def main():
    await asyncio.gather(count(), count(), count())

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    s = time.perf_counter()
    elapsed = time.perf_counter() - s
    print(f"{__file__} executed in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds.")
# materials/sync.py

import time

def count():

def main():
    for _ in range(3):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = time.perf_counter()
    elapsed = time.perf_counter() - s
    print(f"{__file__} executed in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds.")  # 3.01 seconds

If Python encounters an await f() expression in the scope of g(), this is how await tells the event loop, “Suspend execution of g() until whatever I’m waiting on—the result of f() — is returned. In the meantime, go let something else run.” async def is a coroutine. It may use await, return, or yield, but all of these are optional.

async def g():
    # Pause here and come back to g() when f() is ready
    r = await f()
    return r

Using await and/or return creates a coroutine function. To call a coroutine function, you must await it to get its results.

Using yield in an async def block creates an asynchronous generator, which you iterate over with async for. yield from in an async def will raise SyntaxError.

# materials/async_gen.py

async def genfunc():
    yield 1
    yield 2

gen = genfunc()
assert gen.__aiter__() is gen
assert await gen.__anext__() == 1
assert await gen.__anext__() == 2
await gen.__anext__()  # This line will raise StopAsyncIteration.
async def f(x):
    y = await z(x)  # OK - `await` and `return` allowed in coroutines
    return y

async def g(x):
    yield x  # OK - this is an async generator

async def m(x):
    yield from gen(x)  # No - SyntaxError

def m(x):
    y = await z(x)  # Still no - SyntaxError (no `async def` here)
    return y



Author – Volodymyr Yahello vyahello@gmail.com

Distributed under the Apache (2.0) license. See LICENSE for more information.

You can reach out me at:


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  2. configure git for the first time after cloning with your name and email
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt to install all project dependencies