A toy implementation of neural network chess written while livestreaming.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python play.py # runs web server on http://localhost:5000
- Roll out search beyond 1-ply
- Make trainer multi GPU
- Train on more data
- Add RL self play learning support
twitchess is a simple 1 look ahead neural network value function. The trained net is nets/value.pth. It takes in a serialized board and outputs a range from -1 to 1. -1 means black wins, 1 means white wins.
We serialize the board into an 8x8x5 bitvector. See state.py for how.
The value network is trained on 10M board positions from http://www.kingbase-chess.net/
- Establish the search tree
- Use a neural network to prune the search tree
Definition: Value network V = f(state)
What is V?
- V = -1 black wins board state
- V = 0 draw board state
- V = 1 white wins board state
Should we fix the value of the initial board state?
What's the value of "about to lose"?
- All positions where white wins = 1
- All positions where draw = 0
- All positions where black wins = -1
Pieces(2+7*2 = 16):
- Universal
- Blank
- Blank (En passant)
- Pieces
- Pawn
- Bishop
- Knight
- Rook
- Rook (can castle)
- Queen
- King
Extra move:
- To move
8x8x4 + 1 = 257 bits (vectors of 0 or 1)
$ wget http://kingbase-chess.net/download/599 data/kb2018.zip