
a wrapper to C GDBM library

Primary LanguageNim

This library is a wrapper to C GDBM one

The GNU dbm ('gdbm') is a library of database functions that use extendable hashing and works similarly to the standard UNIX 'dbm' functions.


nimble install gdbmc  


By default **libgdbm.so.*** already installed on most distros.  
sudo apt install libgdbm  


    block test:
      const filename: string = "test.db"
        db = Open(filename, "n")
      defer: Close(db)

      ## Inserts a key-value pair in the database
      let seqdata = @[("test2", "test2value"), ("test3", "test3value"), ("test4", "test4value"), ("test5", "test5value")]

      for seqitem in seqdata:
        (serr,errl) = Insert(db, seqitem[0], seqitem[1])

      ## Inserts or Updates a key-value pair in the database
      db["test6"] = "test6value"
      value = db["test6"]

      ## Returns of the most recent error encountered when operating on the database dbf
      errl = db.LastError()
      debugEcho "db[test6]=", value, " errl:", $errl

      ## Counts number of records in the database dbf
      let ucnt = db.Count()
      debugEcho "db.Count:", $ucnt

      for pair in db.keyValueIterator():

      for key in db.keyIterator():

For ditails see block test: in gdbmc.nim

Example: memory efficient deduplication for files

    import gdbmc
    from system import quit
    from os import getFileInfo
    from re import re, replace
    from strutils import strip
    from md5 import getMD5

      let stdin_info = getFileInfo(stdin)
      if stdin_info.id.file == 9:
        echo "Use: cat file.txt|deduplicate"
        quit 1

      const filename: string = "/tmp/dedup-nim.db"
        db = Open(filename, "n")
      defer: Close(db)
      var line = ""
      while stdin.readLine(line):
        line = line.strip.replace(re"(\s+)", " ")
        let md5line = getMD5(line)
        if md5line notin db:
          db[md5line] = ""
          echo line


MIT License. You may use any compatible license (essentially any license) for your own programs developed with gdbmc