Outdated Software • Updates Missing?

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OSUM - Outdated Software • Updates Missing?

OSUM is a web-based application that assists users in identifying known software vulnerabilities. It leverages the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database to provide a comprehensive list of known vulnerabilities for specified software.


  • Accepts software names and provides relevant Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) values using the nvdlib library.
  • Sends requests to the services.nvd.nist.gov API for up-to-date data about CVEs and CPEs.
  • Displays known vulnerabilities in a table, including the CVE ID, vulnerability type, and CVSS Rating.
  • Allows vulnerabilities to be sorted by risk rating or release date.
  • Provides vulnerability type suggestions directly from their descriptions (dropdownOptions.js can be updated to add more options and aliases).
  • The implemented "append" option allows multiple software to be displayed in the same table.
  • Maintains a searchable history for easy reference (uses LocalStorage).

Getting Started

To start using the OSUM tool, clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/vycioha/OSUM.git
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, you can start the application by running the run.py script:

>python run.py
  ___   ____   _   _  __  __  ___ 
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| |_| | ___) || |_| || |  | | |_|
 \___/ |____/  \___/ |_|  |_| (_)

 * Serving Flask app 'run'
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on
 INFO: Press CTRL+C to quit

How to Use

  • Open your browser and navigate to (works best on Firefox and Chrome).
  • Input the name of the software into the provided field.
  • Click the "Search" button.
  • From the dropdown list of CPEs, select the one that matches your software.
  • Specify the number of CVEs you wish to retrieve.
  • Click the "Generate a table" button to view the list of known vulnerabilities.
  • Explore the other options as you need.