Lightweight React/React Native countdown timer component with color and progress animation based on SVG
Pinned issues
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Is it possible add MM:SS format to timer?
#249 opened by nafasebra - 2
Error while updating property 'strokeDasharray' of a view managed by: RNSVGPath. java.lang.Double cannot be cast to com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableArray
#248 opened by denamuca - 2
Issue with colors being calculated and displayed
#243 opened by mattpilleul - 2
Slow down Rotation speed
#242 opened by devzaveri - 5
Add key prop to useCountdown hook for refreshing
#247 opened by tfkennedy777 - 2
When I add "initialRemainingTime" this prop into CountdownCircleTimer, and refresh the page, it starts from "duration". But instead it hsould start from "initialRemainingTime"
#246 opened by Asiya1330 - 1
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Error: Timer causes apk to crash
#241 opened by botondburgmann - 3
Start at prop
#240 opened by hovo96 - 7
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Kill and restart the app timer restart
#238 opened by JP-902130 - 2
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Can not stop when complete
#239 opened by Dangtrungphu - 2
Type error: using strings inside "colors" prop
#235 opened by matteo-gobbo - 2
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Cannot find name remainingTime
#229 opened by needleworm - 7
updateInterval not working for 1 second
#226 opened by avijit-ordering - 5
CountdownCircleTimer background color ?
#211 opened by jinjo0 - 2
Cannot run countdown in a test (vitest)
#221 opened by AldeonMoriak - 1
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Inaccurate progress when used as a progress bar
#216 opened by 1280103995 - 1
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Maintain the countdown circle timer running after screen sleep or lock device (ios)
#207 opened by erotundo - 3
Typescript error: type expected
#209 opened by alessandro-caiora - 3
Compilation error : TS2693: 'string' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.
#206 opened by PadBol76 - 2
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How to use gradient colors in RN projects
#194 opened by 1280103995 - 13
How to save current duration after reopening app
#192 opened by mattpilleul - 4
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Gradient Not Working for Web #198
#204 opened by djaffer - 2
Cannot render externally updated timer
#199 opened by johnnyrainbow - 13
How to make incremental count
#197 opened by rajeevverma076 - 1
Problem when seconds count down be 0
#202 opened by dash7ou - 5
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Modify README for Time formatting functions
#196 opened by WenLonG12345 - 5
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The usage and remaining radians are inconsistent
#190 opened by 1280103995 - 5
Feature request: more precision
#191 opened by hirbod - 3
Timer circle color not change
#188 opened by berkaygurbuz - 7
Display oncomplete Remaining time
#184 opened by kingshax - 1
State not updating inside onComplete function
#187 opened by notthatjen - 6
Warning: Cannot update a component from inside the function body of a different component
#186 opened by WagdySamih - 1
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need use multiple countdown
#182 opened by amirsamani - 0
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