
  • Standup Meetings

    • Timebox to 5 minutes at start of day
    • Limiting to status work and plan for the day and any blockers
    • Any critical issue should be parked
  • Retrospective Meetings

    • Restrospective meetings on Friday for 30 minutes
    • Identify the actions items and action owners
  • Pre IPM / Sprint Planning / Refinement

    • on Saturdays
    • All members should be present for this meeting

Team Norm

  • When a team member is explaining something, no one should interrupt out of context.
  • Limit the time spent on resolution of a technical issue. Team should come together to resolve the issue even still blocked after 1 hour.

Coding Best Practices

  • Every commit should have atleast 85% code coverage and we should configure this gatecheck either in build step
  • Every user story should have it's own feature branch pulled from master
  • CI/CD setup should be the first step after project initialization