
A collection of scripts to simplify ffmpeg actions

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

📜 FFMPEG Scripts

Outputs are placed inside output directory. The folder creates itself if it does not exist.


Make sure FFmpeg is already installed on your system (download here).

Action Script Usage
Convert video or audio converter.sh ./converter.sh input.mkv output_converted.mp4
Concatenate MP4 videos Multiple scripts Refer to the details
Convert GIF to web-optimized MP4 and WEBM gif_to_video.sh ./gif_to_video.sh input.gif output_web
Convert video to GIF video_to_gif.sh ./video_to_gif.sh input.mp4 output
Convert video to WEBM webm_converter.sh ./webm_converter.sh input.mp4 output
Rescale video rescale_video.sh ./rescale_video.sh input.mp4 360 output_rescale.mp4
Rotate Video rotate_video.sh ./rotate_video.sh input.mp4 output
Trim video trim_video.sh
  • ./trim_video.sh 00:03:26 input.mp4 00:05:46 output_trimmed.mp4 (in seconds)
  • ./trim_video.sh 00:03:26.265 input.mp4 00:05:46.197 output_trimmed.mp4 (in miliseconds)

🔀 Convert video or audio

./converter.sh <1> <2>
  • 1: File to convert
  • 2: The file with expected format


./converter.sh input.mkv output_converted.mp4
# What it does
ffmpeg -i input.mkv output/output_converted.mp4

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↕️ Rescale video

Rescales video while maintaining its aspect ratio

./rescale_video.sh <1> <2> <3>
  • 1: file to convert
  • 2: expected height in pixels
  • 3: output file


./converter.sh input.mp4 360 output_rescaled.mp4
# What it does
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=-2:360 output/"output_rescaled.mp4"

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✂️ Trim video

./trim_video.sh <1> <2> <3> <4>
  • 1: seek start with HH:MM:SS.mmm* format
  • 2: input file
  • 3: seek end with HH:MM:SS.mmm* format
  • 4: output file

*H: hours, M: minutes, S: seconds, mmm (optional): miliseconds


./trim_video.sh 00:03:26 input.mp4 00:05:46 output_trimmed.mp4
# What it does
ffmpeg -ss 00:03:26 -i "input.mp4" -to 00:05:46 -c copy -copyts output/"output_trimmed.mp4"

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🔗 Concatenate MP4 videos

Do the following:

  1. Convert MP4 to transport streams
  2. Concatenate transport streams

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Convert MP4 to transport streams

./mp4_to_intermediate_ts.sh <1> <2>
  • 1: MP4 input file
  • 2: output name (without extension)


./mp4_to_intermediate_ts.sh input.mp4 output_intermediate
# What it does
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts output/output_intermediate.ts

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Concatenate transport streams

./concat_ts.sh <1> <2>
  • 1: transport streams to concacenate, separated with "|". Example: "intermediate_1.ts|intermediate_2.ts"
  • 2: output file


./concat_ts.sh "intermediate_1.ts|intermediate_2.ts|intermediate_3.ts" output_concatenated.mp4
# What it does
ffmpeg -i "concat:intermediate_1.ts|intermediate_2.ts|intermediate_3.ts" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output/output_concatenated.mp4

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🔀 Convert GIF to web-optimized MP4 and WEBM

This action creates two different files; MP4 and WEBM. Implementation: Replace animated GIFs with video for faster page loads

./trim_video.sh <1> <2>
  • 1: GIF input file
  • 2: output name (without extension)


./gif_to_video.sh input.gif output_web
# What it does
ffmpeg -i input.gif -b:v 0 -crf 25 -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p output/output_web.mp4
ffmpeg -i input.gif -c vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 41 output/output_web.webm

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🔀 Convert video to GIF

./video_to_gif.sh <1> <2>
  • 1: input video file
  • 2: output name (without extension)


./video_to_gif.sh input.mp4 output
# What it does
ffmpeg -i "input.mp4" \
  -vf "fps=10,scale=360:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" \
  -loop 0 output.gif \

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🔀 Convert video to WEBM

./webm_converter.sh <1> <2>
  • 1: input file
  • 2: output name (without extension)


./webm_converter.sh input.mp4 output
# What it does
ffmpeg -i "input.mp4" -vf setsar=1:1 output/output.webm

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🔄 Rotate Video

./rotate_video.sh <1> <2> <3>
  • 1: input file
  • 2: refer to Rotate Mode
  • 3: output name (without extension)

Rotate Mode

0 = 90° counter-clockwise and vertical flip
1 = 90° clockwise
2 = 90° counter-clockwise
3 = 90° clockwise and vertical flip


./rotate_video.sh input.mp4 1 output
# What it does
ffmpeg -i "input.mp4" -vf "transpose=1" output/"output.mp4"

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