
A genetic Algorithm implementation to solve class scheduling problems. Done for a Uni project.

Primary LanguageRust

Genetic Course Schedule Solver

This is a project I made for a Uni course.

It is a genetic algorithm that solves the problem of scheduling courses for students, measured by an evaluation function (see report.pdf).

How to use

You will need an up-to-date Rust toolchain.

Then you can use cargo build --release and target/release/genetic_course_schedule_solver to run the program.

It will guide you through how to use it.

To reproduce my experiments, look at the saved data in data/ and the invocations in justfile.

For reference, here is the synopsis of the cli:

$ target/release/genetic_course_schedule_solver --help
Usage: genetic_schedule_solver <COMMAND>

  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

$ target/release/genetic_schedule_solver help generate
Usage: genetic_schedule_solver generate [OPTIONS] <N_STUDENTS> <N_COURSES> <N_TIMESLOTS>

  <N_STUDENTS>             Number of students
  <N_COURSES>              Number of courses
  <N_TIMESLOTS>            Number of timeslots
  <N_ROOMS>                Number of rooms
  <N_COURSES_PER_STUDENT>  Number of courses each student takes
  <N_COURSES_PER_PROF>     Number of courses each professor teaches

  -o, --out-file <OUT_FILE>  Output file
  -h, --help                 Print help

$ target/release/genetic_schedule_solver help compute
Usage: genetic_schedule_solver compute [OPTIONS] <POPULATION_SIZE> <N_GENERATIONS> <SELEC

  <POPULATION_SIZE>   Population size
  <N_GENERATIONS>     Number of generations to simulate
  <SELECTION_FACTOR>  Share of total population used to create the next one
  <MUTATION_CHANCE>   Chance of mutation

  -f, --filename <FILENAME>  Input file
  -c, --csv-output           Output as CSV
  -h, --help                 Print help