
Program to display binary data in different formats.

Primary LanguageC#


The DataConverter is a C# application that converts binary data to readable data. Next to that is this a challenge repo. It contains a library containing the logic to do the conversions. The challenge is to write the 'best' code. Because the 'best' is very subjective in programming, there are 4 different categories:

  • .Net
  • Linq
  • Performance
  • Obfuscation / Source length

Solution structure

Item Description
Core Library project (.netstandard2.0) containing the logic to convert the data.
Applications Applications based on the library functionality.
Console Console application project (.netcore3.1) that uses the library functionality.
Shared Library project (.netstandard2.0) containing shared items for the WPF and UWP projects.
UWP UWP application project () that uses the library functionality.
WPF WPF application project (.netcore3.1) that uses the library functionality.
Solution items Files on solution level.
.editorconifg-file containing the code-style rules to program in.
Testing Projects to test the written code.
Benchmark A project to benchmark the library
Test A project to test the functionality of the library with unit tests.
TestData A project containing mock-data to do the unit-tests/benchmarks.


The challenge of the project is to implement the logic needed for the applications to work. This logic is defined in the DataConverter.Core.Converters.IConverter. This interface also contains a brief documentation of the methods.

The implementing classes can be tested with the other projects. For a functional test, run the Test project. For a benchmark, run the Benchmark project. And the general functionality can be manually tested with the application projects.

There is just one rule for the implementation: it must work. This means that the tests should all pass (if a fault is found in the test, please report it). The tests are however only a tool to test a part of the functionality. This means that just returning the solution of the test depending on which test input is given, is not valid!

As stated before are there 4 different categories. To keep as objective as possible.


The .Net challenge is the least objective challenge. The goal here is to write code that is as clean and idiomatic as possible according to the .Net standards. What this exactly means is probably depends on the viewer. For the challenges sake, I am the referee here. However, I might be persuaded with compelling arguments (but my friends say I am quit stubborn so...).


The Linq challenge is much alike the .Net challenge in the way that it is not completely objective. The goal here is to try write code 'only' with Linq statements. This might not possible for everything but try and prove me otherwise.


The performance challenge is quite obvious I think. Try to write code that has the best performance. The main-goal is execution time but memory is also something to keep in mind.

Obfuscation / Source length

This one might be close to the performance challenge but here short and obfuscated source code is the goal. To show others what happens it is preferable to add a private non obfuscated method or comments explaining the flow.

How participate

  1. Create a separate branch
  2. Implement the functionality as you would like it.
  3. Test code.
  4. Create a pull request.

Or help me judge which code is best in it's category.

The best code will be used in the master branch.