
This is up-to-date android studio project for native android application, that is using modern tools and libraries.

Primary LanguageJava

Android Starter Kit

More or less, each android project could have similar structure and libraries used. Some features as well. This project should help us start new android application without spending too much time on initial setup. Project is organized with Clean Architecture and MVP Pattern in mind, separated to four modules:

  • app
  • presentation
  • data
  • domain

Libraries included in this project are listed below:


  • RxJava2
  • RxAndroid2
  • Dagger2
  • JodaTime
  • Timber
  • LeakCannary
  • Parceler


  • Retrofit2
  • Gson
  • OkHttp3


  • RxBinding
  • ButterKnife
  • PermissionDispatcher
  • ConstraintLayout
  • Calligraphy


  • Mockito
  • Robolectric

Crash Reports

  • Crashlytics