
Search albums and displays album, artist details.

Primary LanguageJava


  • To run the gradle.properties should contain API key in the format shown below:

LastFm_ApiKey = "YOUR API KEY"

  • Code is written in Kotlin/Java.
  • Uses Dagger for DI injection.
  • Retrofit and GSON library used for network requests.
  • Stetho used for debugging.
  • Android arch components using ROOM ORM.
  • Follows MVVM pattern


  • allows user to search albums and displays album,artist details. UI controller is SearchAlbumFragment.
  • SeachAlbumAdapter uses Google's new ListAdapter(that internally uses RecyclerView and diffUtil). If albumId is different then items are not same.
  • Uses SearchRepository to load data from db and network
  • SearchViewmodel loads search item from repository and posts data to UI controller.
  • Clicking list item opens Album details.


  • UI controller is albumDetailsfragment.
  • loads album image using glide.
  • shows album tracks, artists and album description.


Unit Test:

  • SeachRepositoryTest contains tests for searchrepository.
  • ApiResponseTest tests response success and failure.
  • LastFmService test mocks api responses and tests the data model.
  • Powermock, mockito, junit ,etc are used for tests.