
Yeoman Generator for building SFDX Commands

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SFDX with YO Command

generator-cmd >> yo cmd

    - This will allow faster typing of SFDX commands
    - Rely on "sfdx commands --json" command in order to generate the options as auto-complete
    - Simply Type yo [generator name] and yeoman will walk you through the command you wish to invoke



Workflow Overview

  • This will allow to auto-complete any SFDX command

Generator Paths

  • yo cmd - will show the first prompt question

Search and auto-complete the SFDX command you will write

⣾ getting sfdx commands...
✔ all SFDX commands were pulled successfully
? Choose a Command :  (Use arrow keys or type to search)
❯ commands 
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

SFDX Commands in use

  • sfdx commands


Few simple steps, install Yeoman (we assume you have pre-installed node.js and sfdx cli ).

  1. Install SFDX
   npm install sfdx-cli --global
  1. Install Yo
   npm install -g yo
  1. Clone this repository

  2. Rename the git folder to generator-cmd or whatever you wish to call it.
    -- just make sure to change the project.json file accordingly and step inside it

    mv [sourceFolder] [targetName] // to rename the folder as the generator named
    cd generator-cmd
  1. Once finished editing the project.json file link required npm modules
  npm link

Then call your new workflow generator with:

  yo cmd

Feel Free to build your own Generator using the generator for generators
npm install -g yo generator-generator

Getting To Know Yeoman

  • Yeoman has a heart of gold.
  • Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
  • Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
  • Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.

Dependencies in Use

yosay - Tell Yo to Say Hello
      - description: yosay will tell yo what to say using yeoman ASCII image
        sample:  this.log( yosay( 'Hello World' );
chalk.js - Give some colour
      - description: Will allow to add colours to the input/output
        sample:  this.log( chalk.redBright.underline('Hello World') );
shelljs - Unix shell commands on top of the Node.js API
      - description: Will allow to run shell commands
        // get the output of the command silently 
        - shell.exec(' sfdx force:org:list --json', { silent: true } )
            -- .stdout // output
            -- .stderr // error
            -- .code // code ( 0 : SUCCESS )
        // get list of directories in folder
        -  const folders = shell.ls('-L',this.destinationPath() );
    - <a href="https://devhints.io/shelljs" target="_blank"> shelljs </a> - cheat sheet
ora - Elegant terminal spinner
      - description: Will allow to show a spinner for running process
      require : 
        - const spinner = require('ora');
      // Start loading spinner
      this.loading = new spinner(
        { spinner:'dots',
          color : 'yellow' }
      ).start('Start Spinning...');
      // Success 
      - this.loading.succeed('Successfully loaded');
      // Failure 
      - this.loading.fail('Failed to load');
inquirer-autocomplete-prompt - A plugin for Inquirer that allows autocomplete select prompt.
const fuzzy = require('fuzzy');

initializing() { this.env.adapter.promptModule.registerPrompt("autocomplete", require("inquirer-autocomplete-prompt")); }

prompting() { const colors = [ { name : 'red', value : 'red'}, { name : 'blue', value : 'blue'}, { name : 'green', value : 'green'}, ]; this.props = {}; return this.prompt( [ { type: 'autocomplete', name: 'color', message: 'Select a state to travel from', source: function(answersSoFar, input) { input = input || ''; return new Promise(function(resolve) { var fuzzyResult = fuzzy.filter(input, colors, { extract: function(item) { return item['name']; } }); var data = fuzzyResult.map(function(element) { return element.original; }); resolve(data); }); })].then((answers) => { this.props = answers.color; // etc }); } }

inquirer-checkbox-plus-prompt - A plugin for Inquirer that allows multi select with autocomplete.
const fuzzy = require('fuzzy');

initializing() { this.env.adapter.promptModule.registerPrompt("checkbox-plus", require("inquirer-checkbox-plus-prompt")); }

prompting() { const colors = [ { name : 'red', value : 'red'}, { name : 'blue', value : 'blue'}, { name : 'green', value : 'green'}, ]; this.props = {}; return this.prompt( [ { type: 'checkbox-plus', name: 'colors', message: 'Select color', pageSize: 5, highlight: true, searchable: true, default: ['red','blue'], validate: function(answer) { return answer.length != 0 ? true : 'You must choose at least one color.'; }, source: function(answersSoFar, input) { input = input || ''; return new Promise(function(resolve) { var fuzzyResult = fuzzy.filter(input, colors, { extract: function(item) { return item['name']; } });

                var data = fuzzyResult.map(function(element) {
                return element.original;
    })].then((answers) => { 
        this.props = answers.colors;

} }

Inquirer.js - Dynamic questions and validation of prompt questions
      - description: Will allow to add logic to questions
        const questions = [{
        type: 'checkbox',
        name: 'mainMenu',
        message: 'What would you like to do ?',
        validate: function(choices) {
          return choices.length > 0 ? true : chalk.redBright('Must Select at least one option');
        choices: [
            type: 'separator', 
            name:  'New Project',
            value: 'create-project' ,
            checked: false
            name:  'New Scratch Org',
            value:  'create-org',
            checked: false
            type: 'separator', 
            line: '-^-^-^-^-^-^-^'
        type: "input",
        name: "inputName",
        message: "Please give a name to your project : "),
        when: function(answers) {
          return answers.mainMenu.includes("create-project");
        validate: function(value) {
          return value ? true : 'Please enter a name';
mem-fs-editor - helpers working on top of mem-fs
      - description: Will allow to access file system
        // read file as Json object
        - this.fs.readJSON('filePath');
        // check if file path exists
        - this.fs.exists('filePath');
        // delete file
        - this.fs.delete('filePath');