
The program feedback “Connection refused”

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I’m using Ubuntu 22.04.3LTS on my Raspberry Pi 4
I cloned the python files from this repository. Then I run it.
It repeat a log”curl:(7) Failed to connect to port 6569 after 2 ms: Connection refused“


boost means that i have the same problem and i want it to be seen


Hi! Try the latest version of AltLinux and report if the issue still persists.

@xiaoniaoawa please try the latest version of AltLinux and report if the issue still persists, or close the issue

@xiaoniaoawa please try the latest version of AltLinux and report if the issue still persists, or close the issue

ok! thanks, I will try, but my pi is now work on HAOS :(
I will try it later.
Also s0rry I didn't see these Github messages in my email, sorry.

Okay, I manually installed the program, but still not work :(


  1. Clone this
  2. Manually download altserver and anisette server's arm version, then put it to /your_home_dir/.local/share/altlinux/
  3. Rename those two file to AltServer and anisette-server, chmod +x those two executable
  4. Go to your altlinux dir, run the py, done 👍

Also, if your country have firewall, just replace github to kkgithub (a mirror of GitHub without firewall... in China)

Why: the program automatic downloaded exec, but it's x86_64 version, so the program never start. We just need download and replace their exec to fix :)

Program fix:

  1. Check the arch of the system with 'os' or some other thing
  2. Write a 'if', download the correct arch of exec 👍
  3. Continue program 😃

Waiting for fix.