
Programs for testing libp2p relays

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Libp2p Relay Test Programs

These are some simple programs and scripts to test libp2p relay performance.


We test by transferring a 1GB file between a server and a client, first through a direct connection and then through every relay in the PL fleet. The server is located in Paris, while the client is located in London.

At the time of this writing (2019/2/21) there are 15 relays operated by PL to support IPFS and libp2p applications. The relays are spread over 5 aws regions, with 9 in the US (N.Virgina, Ohio, Oregon) and 6 in Europe (Frankfurt, Dublin).

Results (Updated 2019/3/11 for large yamux window):

Relay ping relay ping server transfer time region
direct connection (baseline) 7.4ms 7.187864928s
QmZ5UovPa7H7Mqe31crwhmoEgAz8XZ6s1stzzWSNKFzuqU 12.7ms 23.2ms 26.343105791s Dublin
QmbLjvQtV1kkiBh9cWGeXaBoaoWkdnm6QDUFrf2LAkecTH 12.7ms 23.2ms 21.850558434s Dublin
QmQUPL5gvWp3VDBrouhpZx2L6un2ZBzMbLmcnjK45TMuVv 12.7ms 23.1ms 21.481653414s Dublin
QmTxKmg6bHwH3kvAwiuFpir9Ee3ogStqjkNeg8Lt7V4iWW 11.8ms 26.8ms 35.163579596s Frankfurt
QmTt4EmqFDsYJiypRD5U4dUDzramwLVCgDQJS9GzkHWJGR 9.9ms 26.8ms 58.232045306s Frankfurt
QmSqKqGZ5yr8adWK5txTn1BqG3Em6RhjL3LM2Q4pjUfYMP 10.0ms 28.3ms 22.855141011s Frankfurt
QmWKiiMyB1qtBs6atLC7UXTk6kw8au2p6LGrET6AkmTCRr 76.0ms 154.2ms 1m40.915977947s Ohio
QmPZ3ZfLNSiiQXj75Ft5Qs2qnPCt1Csp1nZBUppfY997Yb 75.3ms 154.3ms 1m40.047935383s Ohio
QmYwiV8rxauHpPCbLukjwHAsy3AkLU4U7VF7NrMTxWsJS8 75.2ms 153.6ms 1m43.054258421s Ohio
Qmbyw5e8pemFWb27Z6JJtR8gQ3hMRRkzynSYn66DmQ6yP4 85.0ms 173.7ms 1m55.582224015s Virginia
QmaXbbcs7LRFuEoQcxfXqziZATzS68WT5DgFjYFgn3YYLX 85.0ms 173.7ms 1m53.344062343s Virginia
QmeaqKEz7NipyX5YJhtFb7NdAGjgp4wzGfHEpXESrtSL6Y 85.0ms 173.7ms 2m37.460513334s Virginia
QmbYSi1jdhnz5D4PiY5AB1CVRYK37A4K4jNamp655wTvWC 143.8ms 299.8ms 3m22.792653437s Oregon
QmaZK14yReY9Bio4Wxj8NLH7vmEBh91J4rS7HVktRhHiV8 143.5ms 303.2ms 3m18.798269751s Oregon
Qmbn1WTN8WRPPhmayAe2eiMdcgKqdtm9MbWKga59bhFEoW 143.4ms 302.2ms 3m21.895076093s Oregon

Stress Testing

We stress test a relay by running multiple test clients and test servers. We start with 1 test server and 100 clients, and increment by adding servers with a 100 clients each. At 10 servers/1000 clients the relay becomes cpu-saturated.

1 server/100 clients: netdata-1-100

5 servers/500 clients: netdata-5-500

10 servers/1000 clients: netdata-10-100

A netdata snapshot from the saturated relay is available in netdata-10-1000.snapshot for interactive exploration.