This is my work in progress evaluation of Gerbil in the programming language benchmark game.
I wanted to have a benchmark suite to analyze the progress in Gerbil compiler development. The r7rs-benchmarks are not quite satisfactory for my purposes, because there is no idiomatic Gerbil code to optimize, just vanilla Scheme code.
I include the Racket programs to see how well Gerbil performs compared
to the most popular LISP dialect. I also include Go programs for
reference as to how well Gerbil performs compared to the industry
standard systems programming language. And I finally include C
programs, because that's the c
of computing.
The original programs for other languages originated from and as such are licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
This was originally based on the now defunct Alioth Programming Language Shootout, aka The Benchmark Games. Once I posted the site, it was brought to my attention that the Game is still active.
Mea culpa, I have updated the programs to use thelatest programs from the official game site.
The Gerbil programs are coming from vyzo's keyboard and are licensed under the MIT license.
You need:
- Gerbil v0.18-rc1 or later
- Racket; I tested with v8.10
- Go; I tested with 1.21.2
- GCC; I tested with 11.4.0
To run:
$ ./
$ ./