
A general-purpose search bar, built in React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A general-purpose search bar, built in React. View the demo.


To run the dev server:

npm start

To run tests and lint:

npm run check


Prop Type Required Description
autoFocus boolean If true, focuses the input when the component loads
delay number The number of milliseconds to wait after the last key stroke before calling onChange
onChange function Called when input changes
onClear function Called when suggestions are cleared
onSearch function 1 Called when clicking the search button or enter (presumes that search button is available)
onSelection function Called when selecting a suggestion
renderClearButton boolean Flag indicating whether to display the clear button
renderSearchButton boolean Flag indicating whether to display the search button
style object Style object
suggestionRenderer function Function to render suggestions
suggestions array<string> Array of suggestions

Also accepts supported HTML attributes for the <input> element.

1 Only when renderSearchButton is true
