
Generated API documentation for the FSharp.Core library. Generated using FSharp.Formatting.

MIT LicenseMIT

FSharp.Core API documentation generation


Contributing to Library Content

To improve the content of the F# Core library documentation, contribute to the XML /// documentation in the signature files (*.fsi) in the FSharp.Core implementation.

Contributing to Generation of API Docs

The docs are generated by using fsdocs tool from FSharp.Formatting. If you want to improve the generation process:

Contributing to Layout and Design

These pages are currently using the default template of the FSharp.Formatting tools with its small amount of corresponding CSS and JavaScript

See FSharp.Formatting styling for information on styling for output generated by fsdocs.

This template is not the long term plan (unless it is improved enough). We can improve the design - please help with this.

  1. Copy the default template and CSS to docs. Rebuild as before. This template will be used instead of the default template.

  2. After you have identified fixes and improvements, contribute back to the default template of FSharp.Formatting, or submit your work here and we can assess that. This will help improve many F# libraries.

Whatever improvements you make should eventually get copied across back into FSharp.Formatting (and the duplicated template and styling will then likely be removed from this repo once it's no longer needed). If the design diverges to be a completely different look and feel then we can make several templates available in FSharp.Formatting with this as one of them.

Build steps

Eventually the build will just be

dotnet tool restore
dotnet restore FSharp.Core
dotnet fsdocs build

For now, we want to pick up the latest copies of FSharp.Formatting and FSharp.Core, and set you up to make contributions to these. So we ask you to clone local copies of these:

(start in 'fsharp-core-docs')
dotnet restore FSharp.Core

(make 'fsharp-core-docs/fsharp' and 'fsharp-core-docs/FSharp.Formatting' )
git clone https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp --depth 1 -b main
git clone https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.Formatting --depth 1

(build 'fsharp-core-docs/fsharp')
pushd fsharp
.\build -noVisualStudio

(build 'fsharp-core-docs/FSharp.Formatting')
pushd FSharp.Formatting
.\build -t Build

Then do iterative development using:

(from 'fsharp-core-docs')
FSharp.Formatting\src\FSharp.Formatting.CommandTool\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\fsdocs.exe watch --sourcefolder fsharp  

CI Pipeline

This repo is published via GitHub Actions. On each push to master, the docs are built, and the outputs (which are written to the output directory by fsdocs) are pushed to the gh-pages branch. This repo is configured to host using GitHub Pages from this branch, so once the generated files are pushed the update is nearly-instant.

To build the very latest and freshest docs using the latest fsdocs tooling the CI does this:

  1. build dotnet/fsharp main branch (where we assume latest doc updates have been pushed)

  2. builds FSharp.Formatting master branch

  3. Uses that FSharp.Formatting tool to build the docs for the FSharp.Core built in step 1