
Automated installation of buildpack with concourse is easy. In enterprise environment you might not want to install all buildpacks directly in production. This git repository provides you a way how developers can test their application before the buildpacks are in production and you are still up to date.

Primary LanguageShell

Buildpack Pipeline for Enterprise Buildpack Management

For further instruction please refer to the mimacom blog post about this repository.

Quick Start

  1. Setup your Concourse environment (see also the blog post "Deploying Concourse as BOSH Deployment")
  2. Place your buildpack configurations inside the buildpacks/ folder.
  3. Install the requirement command line tools:
  4. Execute ./build-pipeline.sh
  5. Login to Concourse with the fly CLI
  6. Upload the pipeline buildpack-installation-pipeline.yml to Concourse.

CredHub Settings

Inside this repository, there are a lot of variables which are used but not directly defined. The best option to provide these variables is CredHub. Therefore, you need to integrate your Concourse to CredHub, an introduction how to do this is available here.

Add the following variables to your CredHub installation with the specific team prefix:

Name Type Example
slack-webhook-url value https://hooks.slack.com/services/abcd/efghij/klmnopqrstuvwxyz
cf-organization value system
cf-space value mimacom-debug-space
cf-api-uri value https://api.test.mimacom.com/
cf-username value admin
cf-password password mySecretTestPassword
cf-prod-api-uri value https://api.prod.mimacom.com/
cf-prod-username value admin
cf-prod-password password myEvenMoreSecretProductionPassword
aws-secret-access-key password
aws-access-key-id value
aws-bucket value buildpack-aws-bucket
pivnet-token password tokenGeneratedAtThePivnetProfile

For the login to the pivotal network, you need a token from the Pivotal Network. There you can go to the profile and request a token (the deprecated token).