This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Step 0
Configure Heroku addons:
- heroku addons:add herokuconnect:test --app temp-connect
- heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:standard-yanari --app temp-connect
- heroku pg:wait --app temp-connect
Setup heroku Connect heroku addons:open herokuconnect:test --app temp-connect
- Select the DB to be used
- Give a name to the schema
- Link the ORG
- Map objects and fields
Step 1
Bundle install
Add the Article Model:
rails g scaffold article title:string description:string
Run migrations:
rake db:migrate
Launch Rails:
rails s
Access the articles index page:
Step 2
Install Bootstrap (all thos commands have already be run on this commit)
Add this to the Gemfile:
gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails"
Run the install command
rails generate bootstrap:install static
Add a default layout
rails g bootstrap:layout application fluid
Modify the Layout to give access to Objects on top and New Article on the left
Step 3
Create a Contact Model connected to Salesforce
Add the Contact Model
rails g scaffold Contact firstname:string lastname:string email:string
Run migration (only locally as heroku Connect will create that Table remotely)
rake db:migrate
Update the Model
self.table_name = ""
Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app.