Sample Data Entry application
created with unix shell script: Student Data Entry Form
Tools / Languages
1️⃣ Menu
-----------------------------MAIN MENU-----------------------------
----Please select from the following options or enter 8 to quit----
------------1. Enter Data / Add new record to the DB---------------
------------2. Review the list of students-------------------------
------------3. Review the last 10 records in the DB----------------
------------4. Search a student record-----------------------------
------------5. Delete a student record-----------------------------
------------6. Check number of records in the DB-------------------
------------7. Create a backup file of the DB----------------------
------------8. Quit------------------------------------------------
Enter here:
2️⃣ Add new record
New Student Entry Form
Student ID: 0021
Last Name : Thompson
First Name : Robert
Middle Init : D
Dept Name : CIS
Start Date : 12/13/2002
End Date : 05/19/2005
Phone Number: 847-399-0055
Add Next? (y)es or (q)uit:
3️⃣ Review the list of records
Full list of students
StdID Last Name First Name M Department Start Date End Date Phone Number
0001 Smith Anna P CIS 11/12/2000 14/05/2004 312-234-6732
0002 Fulton Eduard C Art 01/12/2001 05/18/2005 847-112-5676
0003 Mclellan Aroush Y CIS 10/12/2001 05/18/2005 847-789-5412
0004 Cresswell Idrees B CIS 10/12/2001 05/19/2006 312-675-0909
0005 Dalton Effie H Engineering 10/12/2001 05/19/2007 847-123-0012
0006 Ahmad Priyanka S Art 09/10/2001 05/17/2006 312-234-8643
0007 Chadwick Kieran S Engineering 09/13/2002 05/17/2007 312-876-1234
0008 Goldsmith Bryony C CIS 12/12/2001 05/12/2006 847-210-3344
0009 Bray Jamila Art 12/12/2001 05/17/2007 312-342-3355
0010 Whiteley Kiara E CIS 09/14/2002 05/12/2006 312-234-8765
0011 Herring Ace Engineering 12/15/2001 05/14/2004 312-765-2398
0012 Barnett Ellise H Art 12/13/2004 05/17/2007 312-786-3401
0013 Roberts Rudra S CIS 12/14/2003 05/18/2007 847-234-9898
0014 Lambert Arwen G Art 12/13/2001 05/12/2006 312-234-4509
0017 Deacon Nisha A CIS 10/19/2005 05/12/2007 312-345-7690
0020 Joyner Mehdi CIS 12/12/2002 05/12/2005 312-567-5488
0021 Thompson Robert D CIS 12/13/2002 05/19/2005 847-399-0055
4️⃣ Review the last 10 records
Last ten records in the student DB
5️⃣ Search record
Search record
Please enter a student id you want to search
Student ID: 0021
0021 Thompson Robert D CIS 12/13/2002 05/19/2005 847-399-0055
Press ENTER to continue...
6️⃣ Delete record
Delete record
Please enter a student id you want to remove
Student ID: 0021
Accept? (y)es or (n)o: y
7️⃣ Check number of records in the DB
Number of records
Record count:
8️⃣ Create a backup file of the DB
Create backup of the database file
The backup of the database file has been created
The backup file name: