
Basic role to setup Debian as a server

Primary LanguageShell

Linux server role

Role that install a generic setup for a Debian linux:

  • Docker
  • Monitoring with prometheus (node exporter + cAdvisor)
  • Kernel parameters
  • Basic tools and packages
  • Import of ssh keys and gpg keys from github

Example playbook

This is an example playbook

- hosts: all
    hostname: "template"
    domain: "strm.sh"
      ip: ""
      cidr: "/24"
      gateway: ""
      dns: ""
    static_hosts: "{{ lookup('file', 'hosts') }}"
      url: 'http://loki.strm.sh:3100/loki/api/v1/push'
    github_user: opsxcq
  - debug:
        msg: "Your other tasks here"
    - ../..

Optional variables:

  • network.cidr: default value is /24.
  • static_hosts: if not present, won't change /etc/hosts.
  • loki: When defined will configure the system and container logs to be shipped to loki.

Requirements file

- src: git+https://github.com/opsxcq/ansible-role-linux-server.git
  name: "opsxcq.linux_server"

Tmux configuration

Tmux is added to this setup, but with a difference that it uses Ctrl+A, so you can keep a tmux session (using Ctrl+B) locally connected to a tmux remotely.


Alongside the monitoring tools like prometheus, there are some tools which help you to monitor the resource usage locally.

  • htop
  • iostat -x 1 - shows real time io data
  • slurm -i ens192 - shows real time network stats for the interface ens192