
:apple:Face image rerieval

Primary LanguageMatlab

CNN for Face Image Retrieval

How to use

To run the demo sucessfully, you must download the model of vgg-face.mat firstly. The download page is here: vgg-face.mat. Put the model of vgg-face.mat to the root path and run the script of extractCNN_VGG_Face.m to extract face feature, then run the script of queryInDatabaseDemo.m to query an image.

I tested the performance on a small face dataset. The search results are as follows:

Want to use a C++ version?

You may also be interested in a C++ version or a QT version. Luckily, there is an open face recogniton project named as SeetaFaceEngine. I have made it work in Xcode and built a QT project based on the SeetaFaceEngine. I'm very happy that the QT project has been used by someone.

The GUI of the QT project is designed as follows(It's still under optimization):