
Ansible role to set up fail2ban in Debian-like systems

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT


CI Ansible Galaxy

Set up fail2ban in Debian-like systems.




  • fail2ban_loglevel: [default: 3, or INFO in newer versions]: Sets the loglevel output (e.g. 1 = ERROR, 2 = WARN, 3 = INFO, 4 = DEBUG)

  • fail2ban_logtarget: [default: /var/log/fail2ban.log]: Sets the log target. This could be a file, SYSLOG, STDERR or STDOUT

  • fail2ban_syslog_target: [default: /var/log/fail2ban.log]:

  • fail2ban_syslog_facility: [default: 1]:

  • fail2ban_socket: [default: /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock]: Sets the socket file, which is used to communicate with the daemon

  • fail2ban_pidfile: [default: /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.pid]: Sets the pid file, which is used to to store the process ID of the daemon (Only works on fail2ban >= 0.8.9)

  • fail2ban_dbpurgeage: [default: 86400]: Sets age at which bans should be purged from the database

  • fail2ban_ignoreips: [default: []]: Which IP address/CIDR mask/DNS host should be ignored from fail2ban's actions

  • fail2ban_bantime: [default: 600]: Sets the bantime

  • fail2ban_maxretry: [default: 3]: Maximum number of retries before the host is put into jail

  • fail2ban_findtime: [default: 600]: A host is banned if it has generated fail2ban_maxretry during the last fail2ban_findtime

  • fail2ban_backend: [default: auto]: Specifies the backend used to get files modification

  • fail2ban_banaction: [default: iptables-multiport]: Sets the global/default banaction

  • fail2ban_banaction_allports: [default: iptables-allports]: Sets the global/default banaction for allports

  • fail2ban_mta: [default: sendmail]: Email action

  • fail2ban_protocol: [default: tcp]: Sets the default protocol

  • fail2ban_chain: [default: INPUT]: Specifies the chain where jumps would need to be added in iptables-* actions

  • fail2ban_action: [default: %(action_)s]: Default action. Note that variables (including the actions defined elsewhere in the config files) must be wrapped in python-style %( and )s so they are expanded

  • fail2ban_sendername: [default: Fail2ban]: The 'from' name for emails sent by mta actions. NB: Use fail2ban_sender to set the 'from' email address.

  • fail2ban_sender: [optional]: The 'from' address for emails sent by mta actions.

  • fail2ban_filters: [optional]: List of fail2ban filter templates to be templated out to the server. The template files should end with the Jinja2 suffix .j2 which is automatically removed when sending to the host.

  • fail2ban_actions: [optional]: List of fail2ban actions templates to be templated out to the server. The template files should end with the Jinja2 suffix .j2 which is automatically removed when sending to the host.

  • fail2ban_jails: [optional]: List of fail2ban jails templates to be templated out to the server. The template files should end with the Jinja2 suffix .j2 which is automatically removed when sending to the host.

  • fail2ban_services [default see defaults/main.yml]: Service definitions

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.name [required]: Service name (e.g. ssh)

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.enabled [default: true]: Whether or not enabled

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.* [optional]: Name of the option

  • fail2ban_services.{n}.*.* [optional]: Value of the option

For version >= 0.11.1

  • fail2ban_bantime_increment: [default: true]: Increases bantime after being banned before
  • fail2ban_bantime_factor: [default: 1]: Bantime increase factor for bantime_formula or bantime_multipliers
  • fail2ban_bantime_formula: [default: 'ban.Time * (1<<(ban.Count if ban.Count<20 else 20)) * banFactor']: Formula that will be used to calculate the increased bantime. Note that you can either use bantime_formula or bantime_multipliers while bantime_multipliers takes precedence.
  • fail2ban_bantime_overalljails: [default: false]: Ban IPs for all jails if multiple are defined
  • fail2ban_bantime_rndtime: [optional]: Option for smart bots that try to access after the bantime immediately
  • fail2ban_bantime_multipliers: [optional]: Multiplier to use instead of bantime_formula. For example 1 2 4 8 16 32 64. Note for bantime = 600 and bantime_factor=1 this would be 600*1*1, 600*1*2...





- hosts: all
    - fail2ban

Enable sshd filter (with non-default settings)

- hosts: all
    - fail2ban
      # In older versions of Fail2Ban this is called ssh
      - name: sshd
        port: 2222
        maxretry: 5
        bantime: -1

Add custom filters (from outside the role)

- hosts: all
    - fail2ban
      - templates/fail2ban-jails/nginx-http-auth.local.j2
      - templates/fail2ban-jails/nginx-noproxy.local.j2

      - templates/fail2ban-filters/nginx-noproxy.conf.j2

      - name: apache-wordpress-logins
        port: http,https
        filter: apache-wordpress-logins
        logpath: /var/log/apache2/access.log
        maxretry: 5
        findtime: 120



Author Information

Mischa ter Smitten (based on work of ANXS)

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!